Monday, February 18, 2008

The Theory of Time

Clearly "Time" is a theory that runs throughout LOST.  I want to point out a piece of dialogue that bugged me a bit, but I think provides insight into the show.  This scene is between Jack and Frank the Helicopter pilot.

Jack comments that he really can't believe the Red Sox won the World Series.  This comment is made in the context of 2004, a year the Red Sox did win the Series.  His comment is received well by Frank who comments back that he's just frustrated that his Yankees didn't win.  

What should be noted is that the Red Sox also won the series this year...2007.  Either win would frustrate a Yankees fan...they just hate the Red Sox and don't care what year it is...

This is a subtle moment...and I don't think it's a mistake...we are set up as usual to think this is a moment that we learn how long Jack has been on the island...100 days...but, for the clue-reader...this moment confirms that our Losties really are in a Time-Bubble of sorts...that they live in an alternate-past of some where people don't age, heal miraculously, can't give birth...and...don't know about the Current Events of the world...

This theory stands up fairly well, but then has it's own questions...Ben is able to keep up with the news...Penelope communicates "real-time" with Charlie...and how did Jacob heal Rachel?

For more exploration about the issue of Time in LOST, read the following is comprehensive and may give you more than you want to know...but it is helpful in developing a framework in how to think about all that is going on in LOST...

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