Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who's your constant?

Friends...first off, pardon my recent the name of agreeing not watch the past 2 episodes so I could attend a LOST party, I was unable to relay important updates to my thoughts on this show...considering that I've received almost no replies...I'm guessing y'all got by just fine...but, in case you're now needing someone to banter with...I'm here to do what I can...

I ask the question in the title for a reason...the notion of a 'constant' may, or may not be vital to the total understanding of LOST...I think you could make an argument that all of the Losties are in a time-consciousness warp of some sort...there are really no flash-backs or flash-forwards, but only alternate realities that are a part of the individuals consciousness...I don't quite subscribe to this...partly b/c of Sayed's response once he gets on the ship and Faraday's note that Radiation and Electromagnetism has 'side-effects'...only Desmond had experienced this...

But...thematically...we have always been exposed to 'The Eye'...Lostpedia does a great job of giving every instance of when an episode opens with 'An Eye'...we've seen Jack's, Locke's, Sun's, Claire's and maybe most notably...Jacob's...the eye is an invitation into that persons consciousness...

Looking more closely at Faraday's notes (all about slo-mo) one sees that he is tracking/graphing a relationship between Time and Space and inter-twining a relationship with 'Imaginary Time' and Space...This is what Desmond experienced throughout the most recent episode...but are they the only two?

What Season 1 does such a great job of is showing the connectedness of our Losties...are they each others Constants?

Season 1 is about the individual redemptive moments of each character...Season 2 and 3 illustrate that who a person was, is who a person is...does this somehow relate to the core of consciousness...don't we all deep down want opportunities for redemption? Don't we also experience the reality of our humanness?

Ultimately I think Desmond's experience is isolated to him and Faraday. However, I also hold that Ben would not be surprised, and knows how to manipulate this experience...think about Juliet's arrival to the Island, his ability to leave the Island, etc...

This episode may be the 'key' episode to the secrets of the Island...I have always taken Ben at face-value when he showed Locke Jacob's cabin and said "here it is, the secret to the Island" does Time-Consciousness relate to Jacob, to his call to Locke "Help Me" and to the Oceanic 6...

Traditional LOST...more answers...more questions...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silence is agreement Mr. Sellers, not disinterest. Your words and thoughts are well said. I have only a few questions that hopefully someone can answer. When have we seen the "eye" of Jacob as I thought we only caught a Kris Kristofferson-like glimpse of him in the Cabin? And refresh my memory on who is Faraday?

After reading the article attached to the web-link on Time Travel, certainly manipulation of or playing with TIME is a developing theme for future discussions, development and episodes. Perhaps it's the thread that ties this all together. The polar bear with DHARMA collar is a huge clue supporting this argument.

The only line I do not agree with in your post is the last. I would argue it should read (and this certainly applies most to Season 4):

"LOST . . . few answers . . . even more questions . . . and frustrating as ever!"