Friday, February 8, 2008

Interesting thoughts from DarkUFO...

We have met the enemy… and we are him.The story has always been circular, but never has it been more obvious until this episode when our four new friends arrive on the island. What greets these fresh-faced newbies that dropped from the sky? An island full of cheering survivors happy to be rescued? Yeah right. Maybe two or three seasons ago, but not now.“Light em’ up!” - Miles standing in the jungle, Jack telling him he’s surrounded by guns. Seeing him smirk at Jack, non-believing until a bullet whizzes by, a mirror-image of Jack – a mirror image of the situation the 815’ers encountered allllll those episodes ago. It was funny to watch, but it was alarming too. Look how easy it was for our main characters to become the very thing we all hated so much – the simplest of questions unanswered, the disparaging looks, the sarcasm, the jadedness…Now imagine that you’re Charlotte for a minute. You arrive smiling happily, awestruck at the beauty of the island. “Hey look! Flares! My friends are there!” Yeah that’s nice. You ask innocent questions. Someone starts to answer you, but someone else tells him to shut up. You’re disarmed. Then someone swipes your radio and straps it to a dog that runs off into the jungle. What the hell is going on? None of this makes any sense! Hehe, sure it does (to us at least). “What? Don’t you want to be found?” Nah, not really. C’mon Charlotte, get with it – before someone slugs two bullets into your chest. Oops, too late.The 815 survivors have cool jungle moves. The 815 survivors have rifles and guns. The 815 survivors have a camp, a really weird agenda (some of them anyway), and about half of them have no desire to leave the island. Sound a little familiar? You bet. Our beloved 815’ers have come full circle. They’ve executed their own purge, but the Others aren’t truly gone: the 815’ers have become the Others – without even knowing how.THAT’S HOW SLICK THE ISLAND IS.


Because I’ve got a Man on Their BoatVery cool ending. And possibly the only thing Ben could’ve said to save himself, yet again, from getting his brains blown out. With all the Walt references, and knowing in advance that he’s returning this season, I think the only logical person Ben’s referring to here would be Michael. Either that, or Mikhail’s stowed away with a pair of nunchucks about to kick unholy levels of ass.


Chris Sellers said...

I just rewatched this episode...I'm not buying the theory I posted interesting detail...the four names of our new inhabitants...

Charlotte Staples Lewis - CS Lewis? -- this is not a mistake...curious to see her connection and the connection of LOST to "The Great Divorce"

MIke Trozzo said...

it all comes back to Jesus, no matter how far you get away.

no man is an island.

Lindsey M Trozzo said...

Is Jacob a ghost and the Asian guy is coming to talk to him?